- All articles are subject to independent anonymous peer review. The referees are assigned for review based on their expertise and care is taken to ensure institutional variety. Articles accepted for publication become the copyright of the journal, unless otherwise specifically agreed. All contributions should be original and should not be under consideration elsewhere. Authors should be aware that they are writing for an international audience and should use non-discriminatory language.
- Papers to be published in LET-IN Journal© must not have been published previously elsewhere. However, papers presented at a conference and not entirely published in the conference proceedings may be considered for publication providing that this is stated as a footnote under the title. A statement by the author is requested in such a case in the Acknowledgement of the article. All submissions will be checked to ensure originality by means of plagiarism detectors. (Ithenticate, Turnitin, etc.)
- Submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of the quality of their argument, the contemporary nature of their work, and the exemplary nature of their research for cross national contexts relating to teaching and learning.
- To submit an article, authors must first register to the website. Articles are submitted through a five-step submission process. Please click on ‘start a new submission’ to submit your paper. An anonymous version of the paper (without the name(s) and affiliations of the author(s), without the acknowledgements) must be submitted. In the case of the author’s identity being clear from the text, the writer should refer to themselves as “AUTHOR” throughout the article. This is crucial for the blind review procedures. LET-IN Journal© Submission Form must be sent as a supplementary file. In submission form, a short biography, not exceeding 100 words, should be provided for each author.
Information and documents requested by the authors:
- It is obligatory to obtain an official document from Ethics Board/Committee Approval for all manuscripts. If you believe that you will not be able to obtain such a document, it is advisable that you withdraw your submission. Even if your paper is accepted, it will not be published without presenting the official document. In addition, the manuscripts must be prepared in accordance with the new template. Without the necessary official document from ethics board/committee approval for scientific research, it will not be possible to initiate the evaluation process of the articles.
- Authors should refer to the approval of the committee in their paper as well. They need to present information (e.g., name of the board, date and the document number) in the methodology section. This information must also be placed either in the footnote of the first page or final page of the article.
- Authors are required to conform to the ethical considerations and specify them in their manuscript. These statements should be included in the "Research and Publication Ethics Statement" part of the journal template.
The information that should be included in the articles:
- Research and Publication Ethics Statement (Required): The author’s statement on research and publication ethics should be included. This title should definitely be included for all articles.
- Declaration of Conflicting Interest (Required): In this section, the statements of the authors regarding the conflict of interest will be included. This title should definitely be included for all articles.
- Authors’ Contribution (Optional): This part specifies if two or more authors contributed to the manuscript equally. It is encouraged to specify, in narrative form, how each author contributed.
- Funding (Optional): In this section, if the research is supported by an institution or organization, information such as institution name and project number will be specified.
- Acknowledgement (Optional): This section will include information about the people or institutions that the authors would like to thank. The articles not entirely published in a conference proceeding may be considered for publication by stating it in the Acknowledgement.
- Plagiarism Screening Policy: Manuscripts accepted for publication are subjected to plagiarism check through iThenticate plagiarism check software. Authors are expected to conform to the originality expectations of the journal. Once an act of over similarity/plagiarism is detected, authors are informed about the incident and their manuscript is rejected. Authors may be allowed to improve their manuscripts within acceptable limits of similarity.